Thalassemia Disease Characteristics
Thalassemia disease, including diseases or abnormalities in blood-derived orangttua. In thalassemia, characterized low levels of Hb caused disruption of the body's ability to produce a protein called "globin chain". In fact, that's the main ingredient of the globin chains to form hemoglobin. Types of thalassemia disease is divided into two thalassemia minor and thalassemia major.
Types of thalassemia minor disease is a genetic disease caused by inherited abnormalities parents. Thalassemia minor is generally asymptomatic. In fact, thalassemia minor is often mistaken for nutrient deficiency anemia (iron deficiency anemia). However, as peripheral blood examination, will show that rendag hemoglobin and red blood cell size small.
Disease Thalassemia is a genetic disease of red blood cells. Pesakit Thalassemia can not produce red blood cells in a quantity sufficient berkualiti. It's incomes escorting you indulge hemoglobin gene has terjejas. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that function to carry oxygen to all tissue-tissue in our bodies.
There are 2 main types namely Thalassemia Thalassemia minor (thalassemia gene carriers) and Thalassemia Major (Pesakit Thalassemia). Thalassemia gene carriers do not show any problems kesihatan but a thalassemia gene carriers should decrease the Thalassemia gene to the child-anaknnya. When pesakit thalassemia major will show signs of age 3-18 bulan.Antara since the symptoms are like the body was always weak and restless, difficulty breathing, distended stomach due to swelling of the liver and spleen, tumbesaran stunted and there is a change in the formation of the face when the child is getting enlarged.
Feature - The hallmark of thalassemia disease:
1. Thalassemia alfa minor,
• Occurs when two genes regulating the production of alpha globin protein types of abnormalities (abnormal) or no. Usually do not cause significant health problems, but when it is gifted to suffer mild anemia, the gene abnormality memeiliki likely to be lowered to the son.
2. Thalassemia alfa mayor,
• Occurs when a person did not have the gene orders globin protein production. This condition can make the fetus suffers severe anemia, heart disease, and accumulation of body fluids. As a result, most of the fetuses died in utero (still birth), or died a few hours after birth.
3. Thalassemia beta minor,
• generally asymptomatic. Cause pnderitanya experienced mild anemia and abnormalities in red blood cells.
4. Thalassemia beta mayor,
• is the most severe type. Most babies are born will often ill during the first 1-2 years of life. Symptoms that appear are often looked pale, fussy, and low appetite. Growth and development are also generally experienced delays due to the circulation of nutrients that are not smooth.
Although the characteristics of the disease can not be cured of thalassemia normal, herbal medicines for Thalassemia can petrify you to overcome the disease in the suffering now. keep fighting and keep the spirit of living life as a disease that we suffer not nd of everything.
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