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03 June 2014


Cancer occurs when cells divide uncontrollably. These abnormal cells can invade nearby tissues or move to a remote location by entering the bloodstream or lymphatic system. In order for the human body to function normally, each organ must have a certain number of cells. However, cells in most organs have short life spans, and in order to continue functioning organs, the body must replace cells lost through the process of cell division.

Cell division is controlled by genes located in the cell nucleus. The cell nucleus to function as a book of instructions, which instruct the cell what proteins to be made, how the division takes place and how long his age. The genetic code can be corrupted due to a number of factors, which lead to errors in the instruction book. This error can drastically alter the way cells work. Instead of dying, the cells will continue to divide and will continue to live.

A number of mechanisms are available to prevent the occurrence of genetic errors and eliminate abnormal cells genetically from tubuh.Namun, in some people, these defenses are inadequate and abnormal population of cells that escaped the control of the body continues berkembang.Sel these cancer cells then grow many and destroying normal tissue.

Cancer cells need nutrients to live and tumbuh.Ada many types of cancer that can stimulate the growth of blood vessels needed to provide food kanker.Sebenarnya cells, the word cancer is derived from the Latin word Cancri, which means kepiting.Orang in the past considered large blood vessels surrounding the tumor looks like a blob of flops and crab legs.

Cancer is a disease caused by a disturbance in the regulation of growth control cells normal.Sebagai evidence of disruption of regulatory control cells, the cancer has significant differences compared to normal cells in the body kita.Sarang contained in the green ant role bulgaric pressing cancer cell growth and anti-oxidants improve immunity.


Rheumatic disease or in medical language called rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic joint inflammation caused by an autoimmune disorder autoimun.Gangguan occurs when the immune system that serves as a defense against intruders such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi, mistakenly attacks the body's cells and tissues sendiri.Madu found in Brazilian Green Propolis can act as an anti-inflammatory (anti-inflation). while probiotics in Green Bulgaric can eat fungi and bacteria that enter the body.

Semoga Bermanfaat


Stroke disease is a disease of the horrific and the No. 3 cause of death in Indonesia after heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer. A stroke always came suddenly without any signs of cerebrovascular disease pasti.Stroke is (brain blood vessel) which is characterized by the death of brain tissue (cerebral infarction) happens because of reduced blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Reduced blood flow and oxygen can be due to blockage, constriction or rupture of blood vessels ..

Early occurrence of stroke is a blockage - blockage that occurs in the blood vessels due largely because of cholesterol in the blood and garbage, constriction of blood vessels, causing blood and oxygen supply to the brain is sufficiently inhibited. The composition contained in the Green Bulgaric role of probiotics prevent vessel damage darah.Sedangkan very important role to clean up cholesterol in the blood and garbage that clog arteries.

Hopefully Helpful


Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus (DM), in Greek means translucent or shower water, and from the Latin word meaning sweet taste, was better known in Indonesia DM with diabetes, in which glucose (a simple sugar) in the blood becomes high because the body can not produce or secrete enough insulin. And from some of the tests directly, in general diabetic urine tastes sweet because it contains a lot of sugar.

Every food we eat is converted into energy by the body. In the stomach and intestine, food is broken down into a few basic elements, including one type of sugar, ie there glukosa.Jika sugar, then the pancreas produces insulin, which helps drain the sugar into the cells tubuh.Kemudian, these sugars can be absorbed well in the body and burned to produce energy.

When a person is suffering from pancreatic diabetes then that person can not produce enough insulin to absorb sugar from food. That which causes blood sugar levels to be high due to deposition of sugar from food that can not be absorbed properly and burned into energy. Another cause is a defective insulin or the body can not use insulin properly.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, an organ in addition to this lambung.Hormon attaches itself to the receptors exist on the cell wall. Insulin receptors on duty to open the cell wall so that glucose enters the cell. Then these cells convert glucose into energy that the body needs to perform the activity. In other words, insulin helps distribute the sugar into the cells to be converted into energy. If the amount of insulin is not enough, then the accumulation of sugar in the blood causing diabetes. Causes of diabetes or diabetes depends on the type of diabetes suffered. There are 2 types of diabetes are common and affects many people is diabetes type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
The difference is if type 1 diabetes is due to the function of the organ pancreas can not produce insulin, while type 2 diabetes because of the amount of insulin that is lacking not because the pancreas can not function well.

When a person has excess sugar in the blood so many extremely dangerous conditions to be encountered by the blood in the body because the body can not work as it should. Probiotics are found in the womb Green Bulgaric, will be changing Glucose into Lactic acid so as to lose weight and cure diabetes. Besides probiotics really like sweet foods that can lower blood sugar levels.

Uric Acid

Uric Acid

Uric acid is a disease that is formed as a result of purine metabolic waste substances (urine and protein) derived from food waste that we konsumsi.Penyakit gout is a very painful type of arthritis caused by the accumulation of crystals in the joints, due to high levels of uric acid in in the body. The joints are attacked mainly the toes, knees, heels, wrists, fingers and siku.Selain pain, gout can also make the joints swollen, inflamed, hot and stiff.
Approximately 90% of gout are caused by the inability of the kidneys remove uric acid from the body completely through the other small seni.Sebagian water because the body produces uric acid uric acid berlebihan.Penyakit mostly affects men over 40 years and post-menopausal women. Patients with gout usually also have other complaints such as high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes and atherosclerosis. Half of gout sufferers are men who kegemukan.Bila left, gout can develop into kidney stones and lead to kidney failure.

Changes in lifestyle, consumption of certain drugs and avoid foods high in purines can control the levels of uric acid. Here are foods high in purines that become taboo for people with uric acid. (Remember that each person has a different sensitivity to food. Extremely fast food cause gout attack on one person is not necessarily the same effect on others). Alcohol , soft drinks, cream, ice cream, melinjo, chips, nuts, mushrooms, cooked spinach (when cooking with high salinity), mustard greens, goat meat, offal, lard (fat), shellfish, duck, turkey , salmon, mackerel, sardines, crab, shrimp, and some other fish,

Some of the following is recommended to reduce uric acid: Do not take aspirin (if need medication to reduce pain, select the type of ibuprofen and other), drink AirPutih-especially for people who suffer from kidney stones to remove the uric acid crystals in the body. Eating foods containing high potassium potatoes, avocado, milk, yogurt, bananas, fruits rich in vitamin C, especially citrus and strawberry. Probiotics are found in the womb Green Bulgaric, will take Purin (which can cause the Uric Acid)

Hopefully Helpful


Green Bulgaric and disease - chronic disease.
ollowing some knowledge about the disease - a chronic disease, understanding the causes and how the Green Bulgaric to aid the body in fighting the disease - the disease:


Sometimes people are wrong in interpreting between fat and protein kolesterol.Lemak is one that is needed by the body, but when not all of the fat can be utilized by the body arises from the fat junk called kolesterol.Lemak that can be utilized by the body is called HDL (high-density lipoprotein) or commonly called fat baik.Sedangkan the rest of the fat that can not be dimanfatkan by the body is called LDL (low density lipoprotein) or commonly called as LDL jahat.Namun fat is commonly burned calories or they could be turned into HDL when we exercise.

The bad fats when it has been too long in the body will be that we can only refer to as cholesterol. That the rest of the garbage that has no bad fats can be burned by the body and will accumulate in the body even for many - years. And the most dangerous cholesterol will eventually harden and stuck to the walls of blood vessels and circulation will clog the blood vessels, which in turn can cause disease - a chronic disease that is quite like stroke and heart disease.
The main causes of high cholesterol are foods that have high cholesterol levels, obesity and lack of exercise. As some examples of foods that have high levels of cholesterol are quail eggs, dairy products, fatty meats, egg yolks, seafood (especially shellfish), durian and fizzy drinks containing alcohol and or. Signs of high cholesterol is raised fat deposits on the skin (xanthomas) which is the impact of the buildup kolesterol.Atau appear xanthelasma, namely the accumulation of cholesterol in the eyelid mata.Tidak all thin people do not have cholesterol levels low, so fat or thin is not a guarantee regarding the levels of cholesterol in the body.
Traits - traits of people who have high cholesterol can be seen is in the back of head dizziness, tingling and severe cardiac work and fatigue. Food is recommended for people who have high levels of koelsterol adalaha vegetables and fruits are less sweet, like apple, papaya, tomatoes, kedondong, bark, and bananas. While probiotics contained in the womb Green Bulgaric, can produce niacin, which are crucial for lowering cholesterol levels. Besides probiotics itself can take cholesterol that sticks to the walls of the blood vessels that lead to adhesions and blockage of the blood vessel wall.
Hopefully Helpful

02 June 2014


Understanding microbes (bacteria)
The word 'bacteria,' which is imagined in our minds are very small living things and cause disease, but, not all bacteria are also many good jahat.Yang and bahkankita it needs good bacteria and bad bacteria, they must be balanced.

On the other side is always facing the human disease caused by microorganisms that enter through food, drink, dust etc.. "Is just one of the millions of microbial organisms that live with humans but can not be seen with the naked eye.

The larvae of parasites that are entering the skin is trying to achieve manusia.Organisme blood vessels through the skin, and dwelt in the vessel, with the aim to reproduce diri.Ia extraordinary tactics to escape from the body's defense forces, such as camouflage themselves with material that is torn off from the host cell home is our skin.
Defense mechanism of the body which is at the forefront in the face of attacks bacteria (pathogens) are the immune system or immunitas.Hasil research shows that 80% of the body's defense comes from the gastrointestinal (stomach). Intestinal not only serves for the absorption and digestion of food but also a part of the the largest in the body's immune system which overcomes antigens and harmful substances that enter.

While bacteria existing on earth since one billion years ago. They live in water, soil, air, moisture, in the body of plants, animals, and even humans and according to research it turns out the human body from head to toe, there are at least 100 trillion bacteria.
How Bacteria growth
Bacteria reproduce by splitting themselves. In the temperature 22-35 degrees Celsius, the bacteria can divide themselves from one to 8 million in just 20 minutes, and within 12 hours could be 7 billion bacteria.

From the theory of man in a position that is always threatened, the fact is the medical take steps to proclaim or declare war with bacteria, they make weapons to defeat bakteri.Memang bacteria can be defeated with weapons made by the medical ie antibiotics but at this point the medical feel overwhelmed with increasingly diverse bacteria they encounter, one of which is HIV.
HIV is something scary when we hear it, for we indeed expect that in addition to the medical finding a powerful weapon to defeat HIV, so that we can address to invite all the good people, the medical and berkopenten people in the world to encourage health friendly with the name positive bacteria, because according to research experts, positive bacterium is able to help us and protect us from bad bacteria attack.
Bacteria by function
• positive bacteria (often called probiotics)
• Negative Bacteria
• Bacteria Neutral

In the human body, especially those which we find for example in the large intestine there are some beneficial bacteria known as commensal bacteria, and some are otherwise harmful to the health of the bacteria that causes a disease called bacterial patogen.Bakteri good (positive) and evil (negative) in the human body can not be avoided existence in this world. They will co-exist and support each urges when food is reduced. There is a quote that says that'' Problems arise when the number of bad bacteria, ie that are pathogenic (disease-causing), excessive ".

Bacteria in the body is affected by
• Age
• Food
• congenital disease status is concerned.
• As well as the lifestyle of the relevant

In conditions of pain, especially in the state of diarrhea either because of drugs or other intestinal diseases, as well as the elderly (seniors), probiotics work maintaining the balance of bacteria in our digestive tract, by boosting the immune system through increased employment
macrophage cell makrofagdi cells in the body and release antibodies. That is how the macrophages step by step to capture and eat harmful bacteria.

Picture below from left Macrophage Cells

The function of bacteria in the body
1. Helps cleansing the digestive tract function.
Positive bacteria can inhibit the growth of bacteria growing negative (evil) in usus.Bakteri also serves to maintain the cleanliness and shaping the balance of bacteria in the gut.
Below is the process of the accumulation of toxins in the colon:

• 24 - 28jam, discarded food wastes from the digestive system faecal
• 72 hours, the formation of a clogged dirt
• Leftover food will decompose ferment, thus producing bacteria in the large intestine
• dirt clogged in the gut more than 5 kg may cause Autotoksifikasi.

1. Ammonia (liver toxins)
2. Nitrosamines, indole and sakatole (cancer toxin)
3. Pnenols and cresols (cancer boosters)
4. Estrogens (toxin cancer, breast cancer boosters)
5. Secondary bile acid (toxin cancer)

2. Improve liver function and is able to prevent heart disease.
The protein contained in the food can be broken down and absorbed by the stomach acid. Most proteins altered by bad bacteria into amino, phenol and other toxic substances. These toxic substances are absorbed by the intestine, and liver perform its function as an antidote to the poison and slow the aging process.

3. Eliminate cholesterol in the blood.
Positive bacteria can control the increased levels of blood lipids including unsaturated fats and adjust the levels of good fats, so cholesterol as the rest of the bad fat is not formed in the blood.

4. Prevent constipation and diarrhea.
Acetic acid and lactic acid and other organic acids that produce positive bacteria may prevent the development of viruses and bacteria that can cause diarrhea and intestinal function has the function of accelerating that can make smooth bowel movements which in turn can prevent the onset of diarrhea and constipation.

5. Preventing infection from bacteria.
Positive bacteria are produced from lactic acid and acetic acid to maintain the pH in the gut in the range of 4.5 s / d 5.5 so as to prevent the proliferation of bacteria that can cause disease, but it can prevent infection. The risk of diarrhea, colitis, and liver cancer could be reduced.

6. Increase the body's resistance to disease.
Positive bacteria can activate white blood cells and the spleen is responsible for the defense system tubuh.Dengan increasing the body's defense system to be able to prevent the onset of tumors and cancer.

7. Encouraging nutrition and vitamins digestive function
Positive bacteria can break down lactose and protein, making the compound of vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12 and K, as well as encouraging the use of nutrients throughout the body (towards the perfect metabolism).

8. Improve metabolism.
People who drank milk when having abdominal pain because their bodies can not issue a carbohydrate lactose which is able to parse from the milk. Probiotic bacteria can produce a lot of lactose and can improve metabolism.
Healthy bacteria
Inexpensive and simple way to make kitchen clean and healthy body are raising healthy bacteria in the gut.
Let us add to the many residents of the gut with good friends and no doubt the loyalty and services in order to build machines that lancar.Mereka digestion sincerely giving us the gift of life that is healthy and fit.
To maintain the balance of intestinal microflora need to consume a balanced diet, avoiding antibiotics, as well as eating foods that contain probiotics.
The content contained in Green Bulgaric contains bacteria which is called Lactobacilus Bulgaricus

Lactobacilus bacteria in the human body has a function as:
1. Changing lactose and sugar into lactic acid.
2. Having a malign nature of the substances that are not useful.
3. Lactic acid makes the surrounding acidic and inhibits the growth of other bacteria.
4. Prevent the development of cancer and HIV Aids.
5. Eating junk - junk in the blood such as cholesterol crystals, uric acid crystals and forms - crystalline forms of garbage that lead to various diseases.
Lactobacilus Bulgaricus

Free Blood Checks

PT. Greenext International
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Jl. Mohammad Kahfi No. 2
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Reference Blood

Kelainan Eritrosit

1. Size

• microcytosis: eg in anemic iron deficiency, talasemi
• macrocytosis: for example in megaloblastic anemias
• anisocytosis: variation in size, say on iron deficiency anemia who respond to treatment.

2. Shape
• Polokilositosis: deviations from normal shape, such as a pencil in the shape of elongated iron-deficiency anemia, the form of droplets ("tear-shaped") in myelofibrosis
• The specific shape "diagnostic"
a.Sterosit: for example, in hereditary sterositosis
b.Eliptosit: for example, in hereditary eliptositosis
c. "Cells shekel": for example on cell anemia "shekel"
d.Akantosit: spiny cells irregular, for example on
e.Skistosit / Burr cells / spur: for example cell fragmentation results in
DIC, uremi
f.Stomatosit: berinvaginasi cell (cup shape in preparation
wet), for example in stomatositosis hereditary.

3. Hemoglobinisasi/outward appearance
• Anisokrom: striking variations in color (ie on the outward appearance kedaduan Romanowsky) eg iron deficiency anemia who respond to treatment
• hypochromic: pale, typical central, iron deficiency anemia, for example in
• Polikromasia: bluish diffuse, due to RNA, suggesting prematurity (reticulocytes with a corresponding outward appearance), an increase in erythropoiesis is increased, for example in the state of hemolysis
• The specific shape "diagnostic"
a.Sel-targets (Mexican hat or leptosit): hypochromic cells with
"Spotting" in the middle and at the edge of the ring hemoglobinisasi, due
cell thickness is reduced, (eg iron deficiency and
talasemi) and / or increased cell surface area
(eg, obstructive jaundice).
b.Stomatosit: does not stain like the mouth area (corresponding
by invagination).

4. Jisim (“inclusions”)

• Point basophils ("basophilic stippling"): fine granular dark blue, due to RNA (reticulocytes) iron (siderosit) or globin chains as in talasemi
• Howell-Jolly bodies: circular colored particles, showed residual solid nucleus containing DNA, for example, post-splenectomy, anemia megaloblastic
• siderotik granules (in siderosit): ferric iron is not used in the synthesis of haem, showed positive Prussian blue reaction (with ferro-cyanide) post-splenectomy for example, lead poisoning.
• fine granules / reticulum (in reticulocytes): RNA in immature cells that undergo precipitation with supra-vital dyes.
• H Body: blue granules that many (outward appearance of supra-vital) due to precipitation of hemoglobin such as the HBH disease (α-thalassemia)
Heinz bodies: large granule rounded / irregular (outward supra-vital) are usually solitary, due to precipitation of the globin-glutathione complex as the unstable hemoglobinopathies (eg Hb Zurich) and as the effects of oxidant drugs.

Variations form erytrosit

1 Poikilositosis

Circumstances there are various forms of erythrocytes in the blood smear preparation, for example in hemoposis extramedullaris. (Illiawati, 2008)

2 Crenated cell / Echinocyte / Crenated Erythrocyte
The state of erythrocytes shrink due to loss of fluid in the hypertonic medium / long in a humid atmosphere (cells with curved edges - serpentine). (Illiawati, 2008)

3 Schistosit / Fragmentosit

The existence of a state of fragments in circulation, small and irregular shapes. Mechanical trauma caused by an increase in intravascular dam microangiopathy. (Illiawati, 2008)

4 Shapped Sel
Erythrocyte shape like a pear. (Ranggani, 1989)

5 Anulosit Sel
Central pollar on erythrocytes undergo pelebaran.Ranggani, 1989)

6 Burr Cell / Sea Urchin Cell
Errors arising from the time of making a blood smear, the manifestation of certain diseases or impaired metabolism of the body. Cells with protrusions spines (10-30 pieces) due to rupture of the cell membrane. Found in hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, hepatic chirchosis, Pyruvate kinase deficiency, gastric Ca, Bleeding peptic ulcer, and chronic kidney disease. (Ranggani, 1989)

7 Ovalocyte / Elliptical Cell / Elliptocyte
Have highly variable shapes are oval, pencil, and a cigar with Hb concentration was not hypochromic but converge at both poles of the cell. The distinctive feature of this cell is cylindrical in shape and pale center. Found on Elliptositosis hereditary (more than 95% elliptosit shaped erythrocytes), iron deficiency anemia, B12, folic acid, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, hemolytic desease. (Ranggani, 1989)

8 Stomatocytes
The state of erythrocytes in the center of the cell undergoes bleaching and not circular but elongated like cleft lip mouth. Found on stomatositosis hereditary, malignant disease, hemolytic anemia, thalassemia, and lead poisoning. (Ranggani, 1989)

9 Target Cell / Mexican Hat Cell / Bull’s Eye Cell
Circumstances in which erythrocytes with a broad surface, round, protruding center so it appears darker areas surrounded by pale, cell edge buildup and Hb colors like Mexican hat. Can be found in thalassemia, liver disease, lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase deficiency. (Ranggani, 1989)

10 Thorn Cell, Acanthocytes, Super cell.
The cells are included in the cell spikel (spicule cell) that erythrocytes with a bulge like spines that taper. Occurs due to disturbance of lipid metabolism. Pyruvate kinase deficiency found in, post splenectomy, the effect of heparin treatment. (Ranggani, 1989)

11 Spherocytes, Microshrerocytes, sperosit.
The cells are round, dark, uniform, smaller than erythrocytes. Erythrocyte shape sferikdengan 3 microns thick and less than 5.3 microns in diameter and hyperchromic. Contained in hereditary spherocytosis, anemia and auto-iso immunohemolitik. (Ranggani, 1989)

12 Sickle Cell / Meniscocytes / Crescent Cell
Resembles a crescent-shaped, oblong, with both ends of the taper. Occurs due to impaired cell oxygenation, increased osmotic resistance. Found in Hb S homozygote disease, hemoglobin SC disease, Hb S thalassemia syndrome disease, hemoglobin diseases I. (Ranggani, 1989)

13 Tear Drop Cell / Sel buah Pear.
Has a smaller size than normal erythrocytes, erythrocyte fragments hypochromic due to distortion. Found in megaloblastic anemia, Myelofibrosis, thalassemia. (Ranggani, 1989)

14 Helmet Cell / Dome Cell
Shape round, convex and concave edge portion

15 Piknosit / Pyknocyte / Irregular Contracted Cell
Burr cells that undergo shrinkage, looked small and black. (Ranggani, 1989)


Basofilik dan Helmet cell




Sickle cell




target cells

Tear Drop cell

cabot ring

burr cell

heinz bodies

pappenheimer bodies

01 June 2014

Thalassemia disease

Thalassemia Disease Characteristics
Thalassemia disease, including diseases or abnormalities in blood-derived orangttua. In thalassemia, characterized low levels of Hb caused disruption of the body's ability to produce a protein called "globin chain". In fact, that's the main ingredient of the globin chains to form hemoglobin. Types of thalassemia disease is divided into two thalassemia minor and thalassemia major.

Types of thalassemia minor disease is a genetic disease caused by inherited abnormalities parents. Thalassemia minor is generally asymptomatic. In fact, thalassemia minor is often mistaken for nutrient deficiency anemia (iron deficiency anemia). However, as peripheral blood examination, will show that rendag hemoglobin and red blood cell size small.

Disease Thalassemia is a genetic disease of red blood cells. Pesakit Thalassemia can not produce red blood cells in a quantity sufficient berkualiti. It's incomes escorting you indulge hemoglobin gene has terjejas. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that function to carry oxygen to all tissue-tissue in our bodies.

There are 2 main types namely Thalassemia Thalassemia minor (thalassemia gene carriers) and Thalassemia Major (Pesakit Thalassemia). Thalassemia gene carriers do not show any problems kesihatan but a thalassemia gene carriers should decrease the Thalassemia gene to the child-anaknnya. When pesakit thalassemia major will show signs of age 3-18 bulan.Antara since the symptoms are like the body was always weak and restless, difficulty breathing, distended stomach due to swelling of the liver and spleen, tumbesaran stunted and there is a change in the formation of the face when the child is getting enlarged.

Feature - The hallmark of thalassemia disease:

1. Thalassemia alfa minor,
• Occurs when two genes regulating the production of alpha globin protein types of abnormalities (abnormal) or no. Usually do not cause significant health problems, but when it is gifted to suffer mild anemia, the gene abnormality memeiliki likely to be lowered to the son.

2. Thalassemia alfa mayor,
• Occurs when a person did not have the gene orders globin protein production. This condition can make the fetus suffers severe anemia, heart disease, and accumulation of body fluids. As a result, most of the fetuses died in utero (still birth), or died a few hours after birth.

3. Thalassemia beta minor,
• generally asymptomatic. Cause pnderitanya experienced mild anemia and abnormalities in red blood cells.

4. Thalassemia beta mayor,
• is the most severe type. Most babies are born will often ill during the first 1-2 years of life. Symptoms that appear are often looked pale, fussy, and low appetite. Growth and development are also generally experienced delays due to the circulation of nutrients that are not smooth.

Although the characteristics of the disease can not be cured of thalassemia normal, herbal medicines for Thalassemia can petrify you to overcome the disease in the suffering now. keep fighting and keep the spirit of living life as a disease that we suffer not nd of everything.

26 May 2014

Blood Analysis Science

Explanation LBA analysis
Here is a picture of conditions - the conditions in the analysis of blood and blood were seen by examination with dark field (darkfield), the picture indicates a blood condition and the patient's assessment of the patient's medical condition.

Normal Red Blood Cells

Blood cells with a round shape and is very easy to separate and move through the capillaries. So the body feels fresh and healthy. The average size of a healthy red blood cell is 7.2 microns

Protein Linkage

This condition is the first sign of a red blood cell adhesions due to the increased acidic pH and reduced the amount of oxygen that causes the fat in the blood bind to the cells - red blood cells, causing blood adhesions.


The second stage is where the adhesions blood cells - red blood cells from sticking together and forming a pile of coins If it looks like the condition of the body will feel tired easily because of oxygen to the brain is reduced, poor digestion, shortness of breath and skin diseases. Blood pressure will begin to rise is not good for the heart. The reason could be because of stress, cigarette, coffee, dehydration, lack of exercise and excessive fat consumption

Aggregation of red blood cells

This condition is one step worse than Rouleau.Hal is often seen in people with degenerative diseases (diseases decline in organ function). This is caused by the fat, undigested protein and high acidity, oxygen rendah.Kondisi can precede a blob blood which can lead to stroke or heart attack.


This condition is caused by radical bebas.Kondisi also decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of blood and shorten the life of the cell. Red blood cells have no nucleus, so they will not mutate, but this free radical damage signifies that there will also be damage to the heart tissue cells that are early cancer-causing mutations.

It is a small red blood cell has a diameter of less than 5 microns. These cells have less hemoglobin than normal cells and are often seen in people with iron deficiency anemia (iron deficiency).

These cells are larger than 10 microns in size. Macrocytes often seen in people with hemolytic anemia (due to reaction of antibodies and antigens are not perfect in killing germs that enter).

Target cells
This bright red blood cells, indicating iron deficiency and therefore hemoglobin, which is the part that carries oxygen. The symptoms produced in the body are fatigue, poor digestion, and anemia.


It is literally the destruction of red blood cells .. It can be caused by a bacterial infection or a number of toxins that enter the bloodstream. Hemoglobin out of the interior of the cell and into the plasma.kondisi i is not very good.


It is the red blood cells that have a prickly appearance. This usually indicates kidney stress and crenation (cell shrinking by dehydration). Usually also associated with gastric problem can continue with liver stress. If the shape of red blood cells and resemble the more thorny durian, it indicates the presence of injury, muscle weakness, respiratory problems and inflammation.

Schistosit / fragmentosit

The shape of blood cells such as broken eggs, this is due to destruction of red blood cells because of incomplete heart valves open and close the blood pumping. This indicates severe cardiac performance and usually feels pain around muscles - the heart muscle.
(not available picture of the situation)

Platelets normally (keeping normal blood)
Platelets are blood components that have an important role in blood clotting. When a person is injured and blood came out, the platelets stick to each other and form a plaque that stop bleeding. Platelets numbered about 200,000 to
300,000 / cu.mm.

Platelet aggregation
When platelets sticky and cause a condition called platelets adalahyaitu when there is a very dangerous situation developing. But if there are no injuries platelet adhesions can form clots that can block arteries causing a stroke or heart attack. These clots are called thrombi. Diets high in fat and protein or high sugar consumption can create this situation. When excess blood platelets it will be very harmful to the body because it can signal the onset of a chronic disease or cancer cells. But on the contrary if the platelets less, this could be caused because hali - causes such as chemotherapy, blood transfusions and decrease the body's immune system.

Spicules (fibrin)
Platelet fibrin that has changed in the form of net-like substance that forms where blood clots formed by entrapment of red and white blood cells and platelets. This is caused by liver stress due to incomplete digestion of proteins and lemak.Jika this continues then this may lead to disease - a dangerous disease such as heart disease, stroke, liver symptoms, lupus is characterized by a burning sensation in the chest, stomach bloating , fatigue, headache and back pain.

Atherosclerotic plaque is one of the most dangerous conditions in the blood. This can lead to narrowing and hardening of the arteries. These crystals form when the system becomes acid and fatty acids from simple carbohydrates crystallize due to not eating well.

Uric acid crystals
Uric acid is a byproduct of protein metabolism and urea. When the body becomes acidic urea forms crystals that can lodge in the joints or in the network. Crystals of uric acid is the cause of gout and one of the causes of kidney disease, because the end of this metabolic waste cease in the kidneys and can damage the kidneys filter. The crystals are shaped like knives and resemble glass. The crystals in the joints and reason stop it can cause pain. The color of uric acid crystals clear yellow or white shiny as glass.

Red Crystals
Red Crystal is a byproduct of the stomach. When stomach problems and an infection of the stomach and gastric pH than normal, then the stomach will issue a red hard object that is sugar microzyma to try to keep the blood pH remains normal. If you see a red crystal in the blood of patients, it may indicate a problem with the patient's stomach.

Black Crystal
This situation indicates the patient's reaction to the high drugs - drugs that are consumed by the body's chemistry and continuously. Usually black crystals are also seen in patients taking the drug - psychotropic drugs, marijuana and tobacco with high intensity

Cholesterol crystals
Cholesterol is an important sterol in the body which are precursors for important hormones. Only when the body is acidic, cholesterol crystallizes and turns into unusable by the body, because it can clog the blood vessels so that blood flow is not smooth. Blockage - Such blockages that cause tingling in some parts of the body and eventually dangerous and can cause high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

Healthy White Blood
These cells consist of lymphocytes and leukocytes. They form the basis of the immune system. There are about one or two of white blood cell for every 500 red blood cells. When there is a matter of riding, this is usually a sign of infection. White blood cells protect us from infectious diseases and destroys the cells that have mutated.

Mushroom shape
The fungus can spread throughout the body via the blood and develop colonies. They usually develop slowly and is difficult to diagnose and are usually resistant to treatment. Shaped like cotton and thin. The fungus appears due to free radicals and several other factors. This fungus also causes the start of cancer cell mutations.

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