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26 May 2014

Blood Analysis Science

Explanation LBA analysis
Here is a picture of conditions - the conditions in the analysis of blood and blood were seen by examination with dark field (darkfield), the picture indicates a blood condition and the patient's assessment of the patient's medical condition.

Normal Red Blood Cells

Blood cells with a round shape and is very easy to separate and move through the capillaries. So the body feels fresh and healthy. The average size of a healthy red blood cell is 7.2 microns

Protein Linkage

This condition is the first sign of a red blood cell adhesions due to the increased acidic pH and reduced the amount of oxygen that causes the fat in the blood bind to the cells - red blood cells, causing blood adhesions.


The second stage is where the adhesions blood cells - red blood cells from sticking together and forming a pile of coins If it looks like the condition of the body will feel tired easily because of oxygen to the brain is reduced, poor digestion, shortness of breath and skin diseases. Blood pressure will begin to rise is not good for the heart. The reason could be because of stress, cigarette, coffee, dehydration, lack of exercise and excessive fat consumption

Aggregation of red blood cells

This condition is one step worse than Rouleau.Hal is often seen in people with degenerative diseases (diseases decline in organ function). This is caused by the fat, undigested protein and high acidity, oxygen rendah.Kondisi can precede a blob blood which can lead to stroke or heart attack.


This condition is caused by radical bebas.Kondisi also decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of blood and shorten the life of the cell. Red blood cells have no nucleus, so they will not mutate, but this free radical damage signifies that there will also be damage to the heart tissue cells that are early cancer-causing mutations.

It is a small red blood cell has a diameter of less than 5 microns. These cells have less hemoglobin than normal cells and are often seen in people with iron deficiency anemia (iron deficiency).

These cells are larger than 10 microns in size. Macrocytes often seen in people with hemolytic anemia (due to reaction of antibodies and antigens are not perfect in killing germs that enter).

Target cells
This bright red blood cells, indicating iron deficiency and therefore hemoglobin, which is the part that carries oxygen. The symptoms produced in the body are fatigue, poor digestion, and anemia.


It is literally the destruction of red blood cells .. It can be caused by a bacterial infection or a number of toxins that enter the bloodstream. Hemoglobin out of the interior of the cell and into the plasma.kondisi i is not very good.


It is the red blood cells that have a prickly appearance. This usually indicates kidney stress and crenation (cell shrinking by dehydration). Usually also associated with gastric problem can continue with liver stress. If the shape of red blood cells and resemble the more thorny durian, it indicates the presence of injury, muscle weakness, respiratory problems and inflammation.

Schistosit / fragmentosit

The shape of blood cells such as broken eggs, this is due to destruction of red blood cells because of incomplete heart valves open and close the blood pumping. This indicates severe cardiac performance and usually feels pain around muscles - the heart muscle.
(not available picture of the situation)

Platelets normally (keeping normal blood)
Platelets are blood components that have an important role in blood clotting. When a person is injured and blood came out, the platelets stick to each other and form a plaque that stop bleeding. Platelets numbered about 200,000 to
300,000 / cu.mm.

Platelet aggregation
When platelets sticky and cause a condition called platelets adalahyaitu when there is a very dangerous situation developing. But if there are no injuries platelet adhesions can form clots that can block arteries causing a stroke or heart attack. These clots are called thrombi. Diets high in fat and protein or high sugar consumption can create this situation. When excess blood platelets it will be very harmful to the body because it can signal the onset of a chronic disease or cancer cells. But on the contrary if the platelets less, this could be caused because hali - causes such as chemotherapy, blood transfusions and decrease the body's immune system.

Spicules (fibrin)
Platelet fibrin that has changed in the form of net-like substance that forms where blood clots formed by entrapment of red and white blood cells and platelets. This is caused by liver stress due to incomplete digestion of proteins and lemak.Jika this continues then this may lead to disease - a dangerous disease such as heart disease, stroke, liver symptoms, lupus is characterized by a burning sensation in the chest, stomach bloating , fatigue, headache and back pain.

Atherosclerotic plaque is one of the most dangerous conditions in the blood. This can lead to narrowing and hardening of the arteries. These crystals form when the system becomes acid and fatty acids from simple carbohydrates crystallize due to not eating well.

Uric acid crystals
Uric acid is a byproduct of protein metabolism and urea. When the body becomes acidic urea forms crystals that can lodge in the joints or in the network. Crystals of uric acid is the cause of gout and one of the causes of kidney disease, because the end of this metabolic waste cease in the kidneys and can damage the kidneys filter. The crystals are shaped like knives and resemble glass. The crystals in the joints and reason stop it can cause pain. The color of uric acid crystals clear yellow or white shiny as glass.

Red Crystals
Red Crystal is a byproduct of the stomach. When stomach problems and an infection of the stomach and gastric pH than normal, then the stomach will issue a red hard object that is sugar microzyma to try to keep the blood pH remains normal. If you see a red crystal in the blood of patients, it may indicate a problem with the patient's stomach.

Black Crystal
This situation indicates the patient's reaction to the high drugs - drugs that are consumed by the body's chemistry and continuously. Usually black crystals are also seen in patients taking the drug - psychotropic drugs, marijuana and tobacco with high intensity

Cholesterol crystals
Cholesterol is an important sterol in the body which are precursors for important hormones. Only when the body is acidic, cholesterol crystallizes and turns into unusable by the body, because it can clog the blood vessels so that blood flow is not smooth. Blockage - Such blockages that cause tingling in some parts of the body and eventually dangerous and can cause high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

Healthy White Blood
These cells consist of lymphocytes and leukocytes. They form the basis of the immune system. There are about one or two of white blood cell for every 500 red blood cells. When there is a matter of riding, this is usually a sign of infection. White blood cells protect us from infectious diseases and destroys the cells that have mutated.

Mushroom shape
The fungus can spread throughout the body via the blood and develop colonies. They usually develop slowly and is difficult to diagnose and are usually resistant to treatment. Shaped like cotton and thin. The fungus appears due to free radicals and several other factors. This fungus also causes the start of cancer cell mutations.

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