Kelainan Eritrosit
1. Size
• microcytosis: eg in anemic iron deficiency, talasemi
• macrocytosis: for example in megaloblastic anemias
• anisocytosis: variation in size, say on iron deficiency anemia who respond to treatment.
2. Shape
• Polokilositosis: deviations from normal shape, such as a pencil in the shape of elongated iron-deficiency anemia, the form of droplets ("tear-shaped") in myelofibrosis
• The specific shape "diagnostic"
a.Sterosit: for example, in hereditary sterositosis
b.Eliptosit: for example, in hereditary eliptositosis
c. "Cells shekel": for example on cell anemia "shekel"
d.Akantosit: spiny cells irregular, for example on
e.Skistosit / Burr cells / spur: for example cell fragmentation results in
DIC, uremi
f.Stomatosit: berinvaginasi cell (cup shape in preparation
wet), for example in stomatositosis hereditary.
3. Hemoglobinisasi/outward appearance
• Anisokrom: striking variations in color (ie on the outward appearance kedaduan Romanowsky) eg iron deficiency anemia who respond to treatment
• hypochromic: pale, typical central, iron deficiency anemia, for example in
• Polikromasia: bluish diffuse, due to RNA, suggesting prematurity (reticulocytes with a corresponding outward appearance), an increase in erythropoiesis is increased, for example in the state of hemolysis
• The specific shape "diagnostic"
a.Sel-targets (Mexican hat or leptosit): hypochromic cells with
"Spotting" in the middle and at the edge of the ring hemoglobinisasi, due
cell thickness is reduced, (eg iron deficiency and
talasemi) and / or increased cell surface area
(eg, obstructive jaundice).
b.Stomatosit: does not stain like the mouth area (corresponding
by invagination).
4. Jisim (“inclusions”)
• Point basophils ("basophilic stippling"): fine granular dark blue, due to RNA (reticulocytes) iron (siderosit) or globin chains as in talasemi
• Howell-Jolly bodies: circular colored particles, showed residual solid nucleus containing DNA, for example, post-splenectomy, anemia megaloblastic
• siderotik granules (in siderosit): ferric iron is not used in the synthesis of haem, showed positive Prussian blue reaction (with ferro-cyanide) post-splenectomy for example, lead poisoning.
• fine granules / reticulum (in reticulocytes): RNA in immature cells that undergo precipitation with supra-vital dyes.
• H Body: blue granules that many (outward appearance of supra-vital) due to precipitation of hemoglobin such as the HBH disease (α-thalassemia)
Heinz bodies: large granule rounded / irregular (outward supra-vital) are usually solitary, due to precipitation of the globin-glutathione complex as the unstable hemoglobinopathies (eg Hb Zurich) and as the effects of oxidant drugs.
Variations form erytrosit
1 Poikilositosis
Circumstances there are various forms of erythrocytes in the blood smear preparation, for example in hemoposis extramedullaris. (Illiawati, 2008)
2 Crenated cell / Echinocyte / Crenated Erythrocyte
The state of erythrocytes shrink due to loss of fluid in the hypertonic medium / long in a humid atmosphere (cells with curved edges - serpentine). (Illiawati, 2008)
3 Schistosit / Fragmentosit
The existence of a state of fragments in circulation, small and irregular shapes. Mechanical trauma caused by an increase in intravascular dam microangiopathy. (Illiawati, 2008)
4 Shapped Sel
Erythrocyte shape like a pear. (Ranggani, 1989)
5 Anulosit Sel
Central pollar on erythrocytes undergo pelebaran.Ranggani, 1989)
6 Burr Cell / Sea Urchin Cell
Errors arising from the time of making a blood smear, the manifestation of certain diseases or impaired metabolism of the body. Cells with protrusions spines (10-30 pieces) due to rupture of the cell membrane. Found in hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, hepatic chirchosis, Pyruvate kinase deficiency, gastric Ca, Bleeding peptic ulcer, and chronic kidney disease. (Ranggani, 1989)
7 Ovalocyte / Elliptical Cell / Elliptocyte
Have highly variable shapes are oval, pencil, and a cigar with Hb concentration was not hypochromic but converge at both poles of the cell. The distinctive feature of this cell is cylindrical in shape and pale center. Found on Elliptositosis hereditary (more than 95% elliptosit shaped erythrocytes), iron deficiency anemia, B12, folic acid, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, hemolytic desease. (Ranggani, 1989)
8 Stomatocytes
The state of erythrocytes in the center of the cell undergoes bleaching and not circular but elongated like cleft lip mouth. Found on stomatositosis hereditary, malignant disease, hemolytic anemia, thalassemia, and lead poisoning. (Ranggani, 1989)
9 Target Cell / Mexican Hat Cell / Bull’s Eye Cell
Circumstances in which erythrocytes with a broad surface, round, protruding center so it appears darker areas surrounded by pale, cell edge buildup and Hb colors like Mexican hat. Can be found in thalassemia, liver disease, lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase deficiency. (Ranggani, 1989)
10 Thorn Cell, Acanthocytes, Super cell.
The cells are included in the cell spikel (spicule cell) that erythrocytes with a bulge like spines that taper. Occurs due to disturbance of lipid metabolism. Pyruvate kinase deficiency found in, post splenectomy, the effect of heparin treatment. (Ranggani, 1989)
11 Spherocytes, Microshrerocytes, sperosit.
The cells are round, dark, uniform, smaller than erythrocytes. Erythrocyte shape sferikdengan 3 microns thick and less than 5.3 microns in diameter and hyperchromic. Contained in hereditary spherocytosis, anemia and auto-iso immunohemolitik. (Ranggani, 1989)
12 Sickle Cell / Meniscocytes / Crescent Cell
Resembles a crescent-shaped, oblong, with both ends of the taper. Occurs due to impaired cell oxygenation, increased osmotic resistance. Found in Hb S homozygote disease, hemoglobin SC disease, Hb S thalassemia syndrome disease, hemoglobin diseases I. (Ranggani, 1989)
13 Tear Drop Cell / Sel buah Pear.
Has a smaller size than normal erythrocytes, erythrocyte fragments hypochromic due to distortion. Found in megaloblastic anemia, Myelofibrosis, thalassemia. (Ranggani, 1989)
14 Helmet Cell / Dome Cell
Shape round, convex and concave edge portion
15 Piknosit / Pyknocyte / Irregular Contracted Cell
Burr cells that undergo shrinkage, looked small and black. (Ranggani, 1989)
Basofilik dan Helmet cell
Sickle cell
target cells
Tear Drop cell
cabot ring
burr cell
heinz bodies
pappenheimer bodies
1. Size
• microcytosis: eg in anemic iron deficiency, talasemi
• macrocytosis: for example in megaloblastic anemias
• anisocytosis: variation in size, say on iron deficiency anemia who respond to treatment.
2. Shape
• Polokilositosis: deviations from normal shape, such as a pencil in the shape of elongated iron-deficiency anemia, the form of droplets ("tear-shaped") in myelofibrosis
• The specific shape "diagnostic"
a.Sterosit: for example, in hereditary sterositosis
b.Eliptosit: for example, in hereditary eliptositosis
c. "Cells shekel": for example on cell anemia "shekel"
d.Akantosit: spiny cells irregular, for example on
e.Skistosit / Burr cells / spur: for example cell fragmentation results in
DIC, uremi
f.Stomatosit: berinvaginasi cell (cup shape in preparation
wet), for example in stomatositosis hereditary.
3. Hemoglobinisasi/outward appearance
• Anisokrom: striking variations in color (ie on the outward appearance kedaduan Romanowsky) eg iron deficiency anemia who respond to treatment
• hypochromic: pale, typical central, iron deficiency anemia, for example in
• Polikromasia: bluish diffuse, due to RNA, suggesting prematurity (reticulocytes with a corresponding outward appearance), an increase in erythropoiesis is increased, for example in the state of hemolysis
• The specific shape "diagnostic"
a.Sel-targets (Mexican hat or leptosit): hypochromic cells with
"Spotting" in the middle and at the edge of the ring hemoglobinisasi, due
cell thickness is reduced, (eg iron deficiency and
talasemi) and / or increased cell surface area
(eg, obstructive jaundice).
b.Stomatosit: does not stain like the mouth area (corresponding
by invagination).
4. Jisim (“inclusions”)
• Point basophils ("basophilic stippling"): fine granular dark blue, due to RNA (reticulocytes) iron (siderosit) or globin chains as in talasemi
• Howell-Jolly bodies: circular colored particles, showed residual solid nucleus containing DNA, for example, post-splenectomy, anemia megaloblastic
• siderotik granules (in siderosit): ferric iron is not used in the synthesis of haem, showed positive Prussian blue reaction (with ferro-cyanide) post-splenectomy for example, lead poisoning.
• fine granules / reticulum (in reticulocytes): RNA in immature cells that undergo precipitation with supra-vital dyes.
• H Body: blue granules that many (outward appearance of supra-vital) due to precipitation of hemoglobin such as the HBH disease (α-thalassemia)
Heinz bodies: large granule rounded / irregular (outward supra-vital) are usually solitary, due to precipitation of the globin-glutathione complex as the unstable hemoglobinopathies (eg Hb Zurich) and as the effects of oxidant drugs.
Variations form erytrosit
1 Poikilositosis
Circumstances there are various forms of erythrocytes in the blood smear preparation, for example in hemoposis extramedullaris. (Illiawati, 2008)
2 Crenated cell / Echinocyte / Crenated Erythrocyte
The state of erythrocytes shrink due to loss of fluid in the hypertonic medium / long in a humid atmosphere (cells with curved edges - serpentine). (Illiawati, 2008)
3 Schistosit / Fragmentosit
The existence of a state of fragments in circulation, small and irregular shapes. Mechanical trauma caused by an increase in intravascular dam microangiopathy. (Illiawati, 2008)
4 Shapped Sel
Erythrocyte shape like a pear. (Ranggani, 1989)
5 Anulosit Sel
Central pollar on erythrocytes undergo pelebaran.Ranggani, 1989)
6 Burr Cell / Sea Urchin Cell
Errors arising from the time of making a blood smear, the manifestation of certain diseases or impaired metabolism of the body. Cells with protrusions spines (10-30 pieces) due to rupture of the cell membrane. Found in hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, hepatic chirchosis, Pyruvate kinase deficiency, gastric Ca, Bleeding peptic ulcer, and chronic kidney disease. (Ranggani, 1989)
7 Ovalocyte / Elliptical Cell / Elliptocyte
Have highly variable shapes are oval, pencil, and a cigar with Hb concentration was not hypochromic but converge at both poles of the cell. The distinctive feature of this cell is cylindrical in shape and pale center. Found on Elliptositosis hereditary (more than 95% elliptosit shaped erythrocytes), iron deficiency anemia, B12, folic acid, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, hemolytic desease. (Ranggani, 1989)
8 Stomatocytes
The state of erythrocytes in the center of the cell undergoes bleaching and not circular but elongated like cleft lip mouth. Found on stomatositosis hereditary, malignant disease, hemolytic anemia, thalassemia, and lead poisoning. (Ranggani, 1989)
9 Target Cell / Mexican Hat Cell / Bull’s Eye Cell
Circumstances in which erythrocytes with a broad surface, round, protruding center so it appears darker areas surrounded by pale, cell edge buildup and Hb colors like Mexican hat. Can be found in thalassemia, liver disease, lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase deficiency. (Ranggani, 1989)
10 Thorn Cell, Acanthocytes, Super cell.
The cells are included in the cell spikel (spicule cell) that erythrocytes with a bulge like spines that taper. Occurs due to disturbance of lipid metabolism. Pyruvate kinase deficiency found in, post splenectomy, the effect of heparin treatment. (Ranggani, 1989)
11 Spherocytes, Microshrerocytes, sperosit.
The cells are round, dark, uniform, smaller than erythrocytes. Erythrocyte shape sferikdengan 3 microns thick and less than 5.3 microns in diameter and hyperchromic. Contained in hereditary spherocytosis, anemia and auto-iso immunohemolitik. (Ranggani, 1989)
12 Sickle Cell / Meniscocytes / Crescent Cell
Resembles a crescent-shaped, oblong, with both ends of the taper. Occurs due to impaired cell oxygenation, increased osmotic resistance. Found in Hb S homozygote disease, hemoglobin SC disease, Hb S thalassemia syndrome disease, hemoglobin diseases I. (Ranggani, 1989)
13 Tear Drop Cell / Sel buah Pear.
Has a smaller size than normal erythrocytes, erythrocyte fragments hypochromic due to distortion. Found in megaloblastic anemia, Myelofibrosis, thalassemia. (Ranggani, 1989)
14 Helmet Cell / Dome Cell
Shape round, convex and concave edge portion
15 Piknosit / Pyknocyte / Irregular Contracted Cell
Burr cells that undergo shrinkage, looked small and black. (Ranggani, 1989)
Basofilik dan Helmet cell
Sickle cell
target cells
Tear Drop cell
cabot ring
burr cell
heinz bodies
pappenheimer bodies
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